8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (2024)

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (1)


Melissa Baron

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8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (2)

Melissa Baron

Staff Writer

Melissa is the author of TWICE IN A LIFETIME from Alcove Press and represented by Laura Cameron at Transatlantic Agency. She lives in Chicago and works as a technical writer to pay the bills. She is a former English major, and has never met a semicolon she didn’t accidentally abuse in some fashion. In her spare time, she explores Chicago, writes a lot, and hangs out with her fiancé and two cats. You can find her on Instagram and TikTok @melissabaronwrites.

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Of all the Greek mythology tales, of which there are many, the story of Eros and Psyche is my favorite (yes, even over Eurydice and Orpheus, which puts my heart in my throat every time I reread it). So let’s talk Eros and Psyche retellings.

For those in need of a refresher, Eros (or Cupid, as the Romans named him) is the son of Aphrodite. Psyche is a young woman so beautiful that her community believes her to be Aphrodite personified and, to her horror, begin to worship her instead. This, uh, pisses off Aphrodite a whole lot, so much so that she orders her son to make Psyche fall in love with the most hideous creature on earth as punishment. Her father discovers that the only way to appease the gods is to tie his daughter up to a rock and let said creature carry her off. Except there is no creature: there is only Eros, ready to do his mother’s bidding until he sees Psyche and falls deeply in love with her.

He has her taken to his palace, where Psyche spends her days alone, and spends her nights in the dark with Eros, who’s forbidden her to look at him in the light. This holds true until Psyche’s sisters come to visit. Jealous as they are of her good fortune, they convince Psyche that she’s indeed married a hideous monster, and she needs to see his face to be sure.

And so curiosity wins her over: she stands over her sleeping husband with an oil lamp, expecting a monster, and finds a gorgeous man. She accidentally drips hot oil on him, and when Eros wakes to find that she’s ignored his request, he leaves her. Devastated, Psyche turns to Aphrodite for help, who will only give it if Psyche performs three impossible tasks, the third of which causes Psyche to fall into a deep, endless sleep. Eros finally steps in to save Psyche, and they get their happy ending. I am paraphrasing a whole lot, and for a deeper look at the story, please read Madeline Miller’s summary, and pray that she eventually does her own retelling of this deeply romantic myth.

Let’s take a look at some modern retellings of Eros and Psyche’s love story. There is a little something for everyone on this list, from classic retellings to introspective adaptations to steamy romance.

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8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (3)

Soul in Darkness by Wendy Higgins

Wendy Higgins’s retelling retains the ancient Greece setting and sticks to its origins, using their Roman names: Princess Psyche is so adored by the public that visitors begin leaving her the same gifts and offerings that Venus gets. This version, however, gives us more insight into Cupid’s personality and motivations, and provides a closer look at how Psyche could fall in love with a husband she only meets in the dark, and one she’s been told is a monster.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (4)

Love in Color by Bolu Babalola

Bolu Babalola’s collection is filled to bursting with love stories reimagined from classic myths around the world. These stories center women and draw from lore in West Africa, the Middle East, ancient Greece, and more. One of these love stories is that of Eros and Cupid, so you will be treated to a lushly written retelling of their timeless tale in this collection.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (5)

Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

The retelling by C.S. Lewis is from a wholly different perspective: that of Psyche’s sister, Orual. Lewis gives you a glimpse of the world and the upbringing of Psyche and her sisters, through the lens of the eldest sister that is least loved by their father. Orual’s possessive love of Psyche offers some explanation for the events that unfold after Eros falls in love with Psyche. There is great introspection in this retelling, and a chance to see this classic Greek tale in a completely different light.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (6)

Cupid and Psyche by M. Charlotte Craft

M. Charlotte Craft’s retelling is more faithful to the original myth, with the same setting and events as they unfolded for Cupid and Psyche. The difference here is that it’s a gorgeously illustrated version, lovingly depicted by famed illustrator Kinuko Y. Craft (M. Charlotte Craft’s mother). Forty paintings accompany the beautifully told tale.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (7)

Electric Idol by Katee Robert

Katee Robert takes Eros and Psyche to the future with this modern retelling. In the sleek city of Olympus, Psyche has incurred the wrath of Aphrodite, who sends her son (and trained killer) Eros to end Psyche’s life. Eros has been the monster in the shadows for his mother for so long that he almost believes that’s all he is…until he tries to carry out this mission for her. Because once he sees Psyche and experiences her kindness, he can’t do it. The only way to save her from his mother’s rage is to protect her himself by marrying her.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (8)

Cupid: A Tale of Love and Desire by Julius Lester

Julius Lester artfully weaves humor into his Cupid-focused version of their love story. Cupid has spent all his time dispensing love and heartache to others, only to find himself at the other end of the arrow (and on the wrong side of his mother’s anger) when he falls in love with Psyche. This is a delightful, lighthearted, and romantic retelling that injects levity into a story that can oftentimes be interpreted quite heavily.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (9)

Destined by Jessie Harrell

Jessie Harrell’s retelling refreshes the role that Aphrodite plays in Psyche’s life: that of the spurned surrogate mother instead of the jealous goddess. Aphrodite is so pleased that mortals are worshipping Psyche’s beauty that she wishes for Psyche to marry her son, Eros. Except Psyche refuses to marry a stranger. The denial sends Aphrodite into a rage, and she demands retribution that Eros can’t bring himself to carry out for her. He brings Psyche to his home in secret to protect her, and a romance between blossoms from there.

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (10)

Painted Blind by Michelle A. Hansen

The ancient Greek setting meets the modern world with Michelle A. Hansen’s retelling. Psyche is a model from a sleepy town in Montana, and her modeling photos reenacting Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus make their way to her hometown…and capture the real Venus’s attention. Furious that a mortal girl is making a mockery of her image, she sends her son for revenge; except he has no interest in harming Psyche. He rescues her instead, and their classic love story plays out from there.

There are many fresh angles on the story of Eros and Psyche to help you appreciate the facets of their tale. For more retellings of classic Greek stories, check these out:

  • 3 of the Best YA Orpheus and Eurydice Retellings
  • 4 Great Romance Books About Persephone and Hades
  • 4 of the Best Retellings of the Medusa Story

8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (11)8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (12)8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (13)

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8 Lovestruck Eros and Psyche Retellings | Book Riot (2024)


What happened between Psyche and Eros? ›

Her beauty, in turn, startled Eros, and he accidentally pricked himself as well. Feeling bad about what he had done, he then sprinkled her with the other potion, which would provide her with joy in her life. Sure enough, Psyche, although still beautiful, could find no husband.

What stories are inspired by Cupid and Psyche? ›

Although the tale of Cupid and Psyche, as told by Apuleius in his novel The Golden Ass, may not be well known, the themes within the text are recognizable as they have made their way into fairytales such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Bluebeard.

What is the moral lesson of the love story of Eros and psyche? ›

In the love story of Eros (Cupid in Latin) and Psyche (meaning "soul" in Greek), we can see the perseverance of a man even when he is possessed by passion and the effort of a woman to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve the happiness of love.

How did Psyche accidentally burn Eros? ›

However, as she shifted, a small drop of hot oil fell onto Eros' shoulder, awakening him. Betrayed by his wife's actions, Eros took off in flight to be attended to by his mother, due to his burns from the oil lamp. As he disappeared, so did the palace, and Psyche found herself in a field near where her sisters lived.

Who was a very beautiful girl not even Aphrodite? ›

Psyche was the goddess of the soul in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Born a mortal woman, her beauty rivaled that of Aphrodite (Venus) and inspired the love of Aphrodite's son, Eros, god of desire.

What did Psyche do that was forbidden? ›

They are told that Psyche's future husband is a monster and that she must be abandoned on top of a mountain. The west wind, Zephyrus, saves her and carries her to Cupid's palace. Cupid visits Psyche only at night and forbids her to make any attempt to see him.

What is the famous line of Cupid and Psyche? ›

If you saw me, perhaps you would fear me, perhaps adore me, but all I ask of you is to love me. I would rather you would love me as an equal than adore me as a god.”

What movie is based on Cupid and Psyche? ›

The Disney movie The Beauty and the Beast is loosely based on the story of Psyche and Eros (Cupid in Roman).

What is the main reason that Cupid and Psyche fall in love? ›

Cupid is sent to shoot Psyche with an arrow so that she may fall in love with something hideous. He instead scratches himself with his own dart, which makes any living thing fall in love with the first thing it sees. Consequently, he falls deeply in love with Psyche and disobeys his mother's order.

Why didn't Eros let Psyche see him? ›

Eros was afraid that Psyche would not love him if she saw his face, so he only let her come around him at night when it was dark.

What is the conclusion of Eros and Psyche? ›

Eros, or Cupid, is the male lead of this myth. Though he does not fit the traditional role of hero in this story, he does save Psyche at the end of her journey and convince Zeus to allow her to become a Goddess.

What does Eros do to make Psyche fall in love with him? ›

As a consequence, Goddess Aphrodite got very jealous and decided to punish the beautiful, young girl. She ordered her son, Eros, to visit Psyche and throw his arrow to make her fall in love with the ugliest thing on earth.

Who was more beautiful than Aphrodite? ›

Helen is said to be the most beautiful mortal woman to the point that she was kidnapped as a child and was offered as a prize to Paris so that Aphrodite could win the Apple of Discord. However, Psyche was said to be so beautiful that people began to worship her as the goddess of love and beauty instead of Aphrodite.

Why doesn't Aphrodite like Psyche? ›

In Greek mythology, Psyche was a mortal woman whose beauty was so great that it rivaled that of the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite became so jealous of Psyche that she sent her son, Eros, to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man in the world.

Did Aphrodite forgive Psyche? ›

At least, not in the end. In the beginning, however, she did feel jealous and threatened by Psyche's beauty, as she received excessive admiration from mortals. However, their relationship evolved over time, and Aphrodite ultimately helped reconcile Psyche with her son Eros (Cupid), leading to their marriage.

Did Eros and Psyche love each other? ›

But this is a fairy-tale, and we know that the husband is Eros, and that Psyche will of course fall in love with him–he is the god of desire, after all. The two consummate their love that night, though in total darkness because Eros has forbidden her to look at him.

What finally happened to Cupid and Psyche? ›

One of them included collecting the black water from the rivers Styx and Cocytus, which led to the Underworld. Psyche ultimately succeeded in all her tasks, and was reunited with Cupid. They end up marrying each other, and Psyche was later made goddess of the soul by Zeus.

What happened to Eros and Psyche in Lore Olympus? ›

After Eros abandoned Psyche when she broke his heart, Aphrodite went to the house Eros kept her in and eventually found her crying. After getting Psyche to summarize her story, Aphrodite takes pity on her and decides to disguise her as a nymph and keep her on Olympus to see how much Eros really loves her.

Why did Eros make himself invisible to the Psyche? ›

Her story is one of love and misfortune, as she falls in love with Eros (Cupid), the god of love, and is tested by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. 2:Eros (Cupid) made himself invisible to Psyche because he was under orders from his mother Aphrodite, who had become jealous of Psyche's beauty and charm.


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