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L. I{aruatizte EssaY

Narrative essays may describe real or fictional events and can be rendered in the

first person (I / 'we) ot itt th" third person (he/she/1h"y). It must be exciting,

strange or fuotty in order to stir the interest of the reader and be successful. Both

f"girfrit"rgr and ends are important parts as the former stimulate the interest of the

reader and the latter satisfy i'ris curiosity and expectations. Keep in mind that a bor-

ing or even too predictable ending can spoil a good story'

In narratives we use a wide range of pist tenses as well as both direct and report-

ed speech. Descriptiors of people and places can also be included in narrative essays.


Introduction:. paraqraph 1 - You set the scene (describe the time, place weather, atmos-

- irnu.E, people involved, possible feelings)Body:. paragraph 2 - before the main events >incidents leading to the main,event. iru.u[ruirn 3 - the main event (s): describe the events, the people involved in,

give detailsConclusion:. firrul paragraph - end the story referring t9 the resolution of the conflict,

moodi, consequences, people's reactions, feelings etc'

LINK WORDSo to show time: when, then, after, before, during, meanwhile, as soon as, nou) that, the

moment that, as, no'sooner... thor-, hardly... when, immediately, since, while, until,

by the time, as long as. to order or list e'ients /points: firstly, first of aII, in the first place, to start with, to

begin with, secondly, thirdly, finally. t;d more points, what ii more, moreoaer, furthermore, apart from this, in addition

to this, besides, not only... but also. to conclud e: finally, all in ati, on the whole, taking eaerything into account, all things

considered, to sum uP, in conclusion

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Example L.

Narrate a scaring event: 'A Dreadful Experience' ' . ., .,' :Essav bv SAnziana Finicd, graduate'student of 'Mihai Viteazul' National

College, int-ensive English class'

(Introduction)Mr. soames woke up with a start and was surprised to find the gailery so

quiet and almost Jark.'just in front of him, on the wall, there was a forgotten

painting uy ,o*" orJ',Muster. As he looked at it, he suddenly remembered

where he was. rt dreadful realisation came over him all at once: he had been

locked uP in the museum!

tuoutit ,n that realisation it also came into his mind the purpose of his being-there:

thenewspaperhadsenthimtoinvest igateaseriesof incidentsthathadbeendisturbing th" p";";f the town for sJme time. He was standing now in the

middle of the .oltia- trying to figure out where the mysterious perpekator

could have been-hiilg T'he iaintinlg in front of him reprejented an old warlock

that was g.i*irfl""iiirt ry rt"* t"enina his crystai glole. Mr. soames' atten-

tion was drawn to the painting that aPPealed to comeio life, steP by step., whiie

a strange *1tirpl,i"g'sot"td i""o'^a"a the room; 'Thy' thy' deus' baladeus'

bring me to life''Mr.SoameswasVeryaf'raid,hehadbeenofthedarkandthesupernaturalall

h is l i fe,butbeingarePorterwa.: l lswayofdeal ing-.withthisproblem.Sohepressed the ,recoiding,'button of his tape'recorder as the-incantation grew loud-

er. Come, Master of ba*n, free me from my prison' d1u1'!alad:":-}::I"t

of the painting ,iui "a

to glow-as mist was covering it. Cold sweat was runnlng

down Mr. Soames, spine and his pulse starting rislng..He screamed: 'No!', just

as he felt u r,u"iio,iJi.rg his shoulder, he bJgan to fignt it, and" {1k1e9s'Soon after,

" b;J oi *u!"t woke him up, dotin to Eart"h' in the middle of the

main hall of the museumThere was a grouP of tourists staring at him'

(Conclusion)I twasnowmorningandMr'soameshadsleptthroug-Lth:niSh1- l l |+e

gladly left the ,r,*"rr1rtl when he reached the newspaper office he saw that

thebatter iesofhistaperecorderwerelow;hechu' .gedthemandplayedthetape. There *u, ,rottiir.rg but a continuous 'whoosi'. In the end, just as he

hadgivenuphope,Mr.Soamescouldhearafadingbackground.. . ,deus,baladeus' . . .

ExamPle 2.

Narrate about a heroic deed: 'A Heroic Act''

Essay by Diana Jdranu' 12th F Intensive English class

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(Introduction)The cool of the August morning gave way to unbearable heat as the sun rose

higher and began to beat down relentlessly. David and his older brother, Steven,headed to the kitchen to ask their mother if they could go play by the riverside.she let them. go, but not before making them promisJttrey wouldn,t go any-where near the water. Even if the river didn't seem wild at ihe surfa.", ih" bot-tom was stirred by strong currents, which had claimed the lives of many overthe years.

(Body)The boys,had hardly reached the soothing shadow of the trees along the

river when Steven took off his clothes and headed for the river. He had"justturned 11, but he seemed older and was stronger than the other children his age.David tried to stop him from going in deeper than up to his knees, but his broih-er ignored him. Not even being reminded by the promise he had made couldstop Steven from distancing himself from shore. But j:rst iE he was calling outfor his brother to join him, a powerful current swept his feet and began Jut y-ing him downstream.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't regain his balance and main-tain himself afloat, so his head would come out of the water and then disappearagain for a matter of seconds. David was now running along the shore, desper-ately calling for help. No one seemed to hear, until a tall, well-built man sud-denly.appeared and without a second thought plunged into the fast-movingriver. After a few moment! of-desperate struggle wltn ine unbelievable strengtf,of the current he managed to bring steven to iurface and then to shore.

The man laid the boy's body on the soft grass and turned him on his side.This made Steven cough and spit out all the water he had swallowed. As heslowly lugutl recovering from the shock of being so close to drowning, hEbrother found out that the man who had saved his Steven's life was just strSllingalong the riverside when he heard the cries for help. He was almoit fiftv. but i-thad been only a few months since he hacl retired from the police and he hadn,tlost his strength and physical shape.

(Conclusion)As soon as he came back to his senses, Steven thanked the man and the three

of them made their way back to the boys' home. After the incident, Stevennever found the courage to bathe in the river again although he became a verygood swimmer.

Example 3.

Imagine a fantastic story: 'Late night's story'.Essay by Alexandra B6leanu, l-1th grade intensive English class

(Introduction)It was a fine, calm winter nighl, though very cold. while I was enjoying the

smell of burning woods drifting from the chimney, the moon, pale is a ci"oud,was.sending uP a blue smoke over the empty streets of our city. Although I triedhard to fight the tiredness, my eyes slowly closed as I was ruidi.,g a n6vel, butI was not asleep for a long time.


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(Body)When I woke up, apparently not after a long sle-ep' everything 3ro.11d

,""*ua prt u tittffii different. At first I was intrigued as I could not find the

end of the blanket. I knew it must have been becauie of my feeblemindedness,

f"l fn" piece of fabric covering me didn't look like the blanket I used to put

over. It looked more like a paiiof trousers... my trous-ers! I didn't have much

time to understanJwhat was happening because t g-uide4y fgTd rnyself slip-

ping through a never-ending channel. when I finally reached the tloor, wnlcn

";;r%;;;;lt *ur*, rt"uhz# t had been travelling through my own pants' And

this was just the beginning of my adventure!

No sJor.e. diJ i iand"on the cold parquet, I started to feel cold' And the

.orlffi-" t t*d ieft some moments Uifote was too high for me to climb back

io-'fuiy problem ^o*

*u, that the clothes I used to wear before had become

ioo ru".g", so I had to find something else to put on. But what could fit a 5 cen-

timetres tall creature? Maybe a hanikerchiei grasped with a safety pin would

;;k" lhe perfect outfit f-or me. Luckily for me, I came across my cousin's

dolls, which were lying on the .utp"t, b"uutifully dressed' with great difficu-l-

ties I'manag"a to "'"Jr""r,

orr" of them, and put on-its pink blouse and purple

pants. I felt"ridiculous in these vivid colours, but there was not time for com-

;i;i;* i;;Ji;l*d the way to talk to someone who could get me out of this

terrible situation.I headed fo, *y room, which seemed miles away' hgging someone would

run into me. As soon as I arrived in the hallway,Iheard the key turning nolsl-

ly and th" fror*-doorlrddenly openecl while a harsh, winter draught came from

outside almost flo*i.rg *". Th"t-t, my parents_ entered the house, but they

seemed too absorbed Ui their cor,rretsuiiot and did not notice me' Little things

are never important! I couldn't give up, so I followed them to the kitchen' what

before seemed some stePs away,now^took me a couple o{ minutes of sustained

effort to reach. when i finally arrived at the destination, {Y parents. were

.rr,puckir,g tt "

rmffig. I tried to talk to them, but the plastic bag's rustle was

louder than mY voice.suddenly i r"rt u great sadness because nobody cared about me. I felt so

alone in tnis enormou"s world. There was nobody to protect me from the dan-

g",s t was facirrg. Euch u'-'d single thing in my own house was now a threat. I

lould easily get"stepped on by-the cat, or thrown out by mistake' How can a

poor little .r"itor" fui" u giant when he is so vulnerable? I had no more energy'

I leaned on a piece of furiiture, but as I was barefoot and the floor was cold, I

started shivering'

,tt"tt#*:l', *ou"

"n, a voice was ter]ing me:.,sweeti":.rlv don,t you go to bed?

It,s late and look alyou, you must be iold!' I was still drowsy,tut when I saw

her, I started to glanie ardund and I could not believe my eyes. It was *" lqu.t"!

No more pink c"l'othes, no more dangers'.no more never-"iq1"q l?:-:L:y:.:-:1"

kitchen. But that little world definiteiy exists in our minds' Haven't youever felt

miserable compared with the outstanding beauty of a mountain or helpless in

this enormous world? The secret is to tiust yolr qualities and strength and

never give uP'


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Example 4.

Remember one of your birthday parties: 'The mysterious gift'.Essay by Teodora Beleagd

(Introduction)The morningafter,I woke up and there it was: shinning as if the suns rays

were reflecting themselves of the surface of a lake. It was the most precious giftI've ever received and it was all minel It's still fresh in my mind the felling thatI had the other day when I got it.

(Body)My family and I were preparing the celebration of my eighteenth birthday. I

was helping my mother in the kitchen while my father was out shopping for theevent that was about to take place that night. Out of the blue, mom rushed outof the kitchen as if she suddenly remembered to check something eise. I fol-lowed, only to find her secretly hiding something in the drawer. I was veryintrigued, thinking that was a present for me. However, when she tumed andfaced me she gave me that look as if everything was just in my mind.

The party began at 9 o'clock p.m. All was perfect! Everything from the music,that everyone enjoyed even though the DJ was a bit young, to the balloons thatwere in place, with the big jumbo balloon ready to gush out confetti and otherlittle balloons. After the cake, it was the time for opening presents. I was soexcited! I got everything a girl could ever dream of, but still there was no giftfrom my parents which let me to believe that everything was just in my mind.However, I couldn't be more wrong! My mother took me aside and told me ashort fascinating story about this gift I was about to receive on their behalf. I wasblown away! After the party, it was hard for me to'sleep that night, constantlythinking about what a precious gift I have been given.

(Conclusion)And now it's morning! I find myself looking at it, still mesmerized by both

its beauty and the story behind it. Something priceless, that has been passeddown from generation to generation, linking the past with the present and thefuture, still looking as if it were brand new. It's the most beautiful ring that I'veever seen!

2. Descriptizte Essay


Introduction:. paragraph 1- give general information about the person / place saying when,

where you saw them for the first time, reasons for the choiceBody:. paragraph 2-4: you describe the physical appearance, qualities,

hobbies/interest, character, behal'iour; you start a new paragraph for eachnew topic. When you describe a place, you should mention what you can seeand do there, buildings details, historical facts etc.


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Conclusion:. paragraph 5 - includes your comments/feelings about the person / place.


Example 1-.

Describe a place you visited or you would like to: 'A Spot of Heaven'.Essay by Alexandra vlaicu, 12t1a E, intensive English class, 'Mihai viteazul'

National College(Introduction)

This was IT. Her perfect place, where no one ever disturbed her peace, whereshe could relax and have a good time ever since she discovered it years beforewhile she was still a child going on holidays at her grands'.

(Body)The meadow was sprinkled with beautiful multi-coloured flowers whose

petals felt so soft and friendly against the skin. There was white, and red, andyellow, in the trees and on the ground as well. The grass went halfway up to herknees, gently stroking her feet as she walked. She could feel the weliomingscent in the air, the smell of flowers and trees and birds and fresh air combined-.

Further away there were trees full of fruit: apples, plums, cherries. Shealways smelt the jam that was to be made of the round, luscious, ripe fruit infront of her. The trees were old and strong - she could relax in their big wood-en arms, where she she felt safe and loved.

(Conclusion)And finally, the birds - beautifully coloured birds with light wings. Their

songs were sweet, enchanting, spell-like, and that was, undoubtedly the bestthing about that heavenly place that almost bewitched her and made her floatin the world of dreams.

Example 2. Narrative-descriptive essayDescribe a character of a book/story you have read: 'Deceiving Appearance'

(the portrait of the killer in'Tell-Thle Heart'by E.A. Poe).Essay by Alexandra Ioan, 12th grade intensive English class

(Introduction)Thick fog was covering the still town which looked almost frightening in the

dim light of the cold moon. It was getting really quiet, as if life had ceased tovisit the streets and houses of this place, as if it refused to submit to the deep,cruel night that settled in.

(Body)Suddenly, the ripple of a puddle broke the deaf silence. More confident, loud

steps followed and a tall man appeared in the shivering light of a tired streetlamp. He was holding a small suitcase in one hand and had a whitish piece ofpaper in the other. Wearing a long, brown raincoat which matched the beigesuit, made his slender figure stand out. His face was covered in darkness, most-ly because of the khaki hat on his head. He lifted his round chin looking around


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and let his angelic face be caressed by the shy light. His short, straight, chestnuthair outlined the round, clean shaven face, contrasting with his fairiompiexion.A snubby nose unveiled a well-shaped mouth settled in a gentle smile. Butmaybe his most dominant feature were his big, round eyes. Their strong hazelcolour made the depth of his stern look give you chills.

The young man crossed the street calmly, with no rush, looking carefullyaround. He was a person built for details, you could see with how much intei-est he measured everything he encountered. Paying attention, being in a con-stant state of tension, he was secure and confident. His appearance betraved hisorganized style, the order he was used to, maybe even tire obsession for it.

He knocked on one of the old wooden doors and an old man let him in. Itwas obvious from their reactions and gestures they didn't know each other andsurprisin-gly enough, the old man allowed him to come in quickly. The mysterysurrounding the young man was dominant, making you wonder who he wai,where he was coming from and most of all what was he planning to do whileliving in this empty, dull town.

(Conclusion)still, the whoie perfection he was showing was making you wonder if

maybe, justmaybe, there was more about this person. His certiinty was intrigu-ing especially since he was a stranger. Those eyes, that sharp, deep gaze could-n't have been all pure and innocent, behind the hazel vale there waJsomethingmore/ something that nobody could name precisely... was it possible that hiiappearance was meant only to hide something, to deceive?

Example 3.

_ Make the portrait of an imaginary character integrated in a story: 'The tod-dler and her apprentice'.

Essay by Oana Andreescu, lltL grade intensive English class(Introduction)

{n lhe foggy, damp weather her small onix eyes were like two twinkling coalsin the hectic city street. I had only seen her for a second that I already knew thatthose eyes were there to tell a story.

(Body)She was a tiny creature of half a metre lost in the midst of the passing crowd.

11h9r dingy blue clothes she resembled a big unsteady bubble. Coming out ofthe far too long sleeves, fingers with a desperate desire to clutch the air held onto the unseen. Surprisingly enough, her eyes were not dim with tears butenlightened by a somehow inexplicable ray of hope: she was hobbling on herown towards the end of the grey alley. Her brown hair with tight curls framedthe joyful expression of her face as she hobbled on the grey pavement. she was2 years old and was now learning how to walk, ail on her own in the middle ofthe street. She knew no helping hand nor relied on anyone's encouragements:she was all aione and needed no support in tackling life's first tasks.

After a fen'seconds of staggering she, all of a sudden, coilapsed; some manhad given her a slight push. Already unsteady, she found herself lying on the


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pavement. Somewhere in the crowd a husky voice could be heard: "Up! Get

uD!".I' Orr." again the little girl rose on her 2 feet, in the middle of the city, agarn

ready to rnake other steps on the same road'

(Conclusion)I have never met her since. But the toddler passed on more than just a sim-

ple story of bravery-her attempts of rgalkin$ Siye more.advic" t\1n any other

teacher. One shouli always be ieady to stand against the tempest all on his own'

Life itself is harsh and most of the times there is no one there to hold your hand:

Lr.u .nutg" and lead your own way. And that is the knowledge i gained by

being aZi,ear old girl'i apprentice. And, trust me, this is one of the most impor-

tantlessons you should learn in order to survive'

Example 4.

Describe an event, celebration, festival etc': 'Fireworks''

Essay by Oana Andreescu

(Introduction)The colour bornb exploded. Now the darkened skyline is overp-owered by

*yriuat of flashing, differently hued rays of light. It truly is a holiday in the

piich dark outskirts of the dormant city'

(Body)" The sky is invaded. It is all about the turmoil of firecrackers, the flabbergast-

ing mix of rackets, the deafenilg.luTlu of the rockets. Light overcomes darkness

un? it is, once again,day. Day full of blasung colours: scarlet and bright orange/

ftooay red and"yellow iatch fire on the widely.spread prairies of the close astro-

logic rlniverr". 81.r" and red turn into a wild lily mauve that spreads its tenta-

cles over the twinkling stars. Everywhere some mind boggling crackers ignite

every second. Just for i couple of seconds. Then they fade and turn by leaps. and

bounds toward.s the ground. The light and sound show turns the stronghold of

the aquamarine vauf above the rotten, sloping roofs into a fireplace.

The performance is stunning, mind twisting. Children stare from skylights

and doimers, fascinated. ThosJwho were arguing stop. Enchanted, they turn

from their petty arguments and take in the excitement of the iiqlt,

Lovers' kiss'

Tonight they cio not have the moon as a guardian but the plethora ot roanng

celestial flames.(Conclusion)

As the last fading flames embrace the silent houses, night gives in to time'

And so do the firewirks. It ends here. Maybe another time it will carry on but

tonight it's over. Dawn slowly approaches'

Example 5.

Build the portrait of an imaginary character integrated into a story: 'Mind's

maze'Essav bv Alexandra Baleanu 11th grade intensive English class


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(Introduction)One indelible memory of that cold, harsh, winter day stiil lingers in my

mind! I had been asked, together with another officer, to make a short visitto that house and check whether or not everything was all right.' There hadbeen snow some hours before, lying not particularly deep, but frozen. Wewalked down the tranquil, narrow street in the suburbs of London as thebrisk wind was biting it my face. The place we had to reach was the oldhousri in the corner of the street, with gables and lattice-windows. I knockedgently at the door and a slender woman, apparently scarcely past girlhood,opened. We explained to her that what we had come for and she asked us tocome ln.

(Body)I was impressed by her appearance, which looked even more delicate in the

comforting glow spread around the living room by the wooden lamps.,She worea long green dress and a low, black, silk frock, with short sleeves. She had anadmirable form and the most exquisite little face that I had ever had the pleas-ure of beholding. Moreover, her countenance was absorbing due to the perma-nent smile playing on her lips. On the other hand, what struck rne was hersmall, piercing eyes, and thin, hawk-like nose, which gave her an aura of alert-ness and decision. Even her chin had a square-like prominence that made her awoman of distinction.

From the moment we entered the house she proved to be a very welcoming,qentle-pqzpu. with a very considerate way of treating us. She was charming, notonly because of her pleasant look,,but also because of her soft voice and herpolite manners. In the beginning,I was delighted to have had the opportunityto meet such a brave,young woman.I even appreciated her for the courageous-

, ness she displayed while staying home alone during the' old man's absence..After having conversed with her, she also proved to be a sensible person. Onlylater did I realize that she had started to feel nervous and was no longer relaxed,as if a strong and penetrating.imaginary force was haunting her, causing her toburst out and confess her crime.


. I used to think that a person's character could be known by his conversa-tions, but that experience made me realize that there is an enormous discrepan-cy between reality and appearance.'The angelic look of that'murderer didn'treveal the true demon she was inside. I was shocked to see somuch cruelty hid-denbehind her immaculate look.

Example 6.

Describe a place you liked very much: 'Spain'.Essay by Ioana Niculescu, 12ft grade intensive English class

(Introduction)I went to Spain in the summer of 2005 and since then, all kind of memo-

ries corne flashing back, reminding me of the wonderftrl experience that I,together with my parents, have lived. Like the Arabs wisely said, it was heav-en on earth.


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(Body)we landed in Barcelona, capital of the region of Cataluniar !9re, people

always seem to be in a rush. From old men and women, to little children, every-

body'has something to do. Nonetheless, its beauty resides in these ever busy

streets, with memoiable Ettractions, most of them art of Antonio Gaudi' Both

Barcelona and Valencia sebm to attract more and more people, mainly because

of the ideal position next to the Mediterranean Sea. But the breeze is best in

Palma de Millorca. Here there's always enough inspiration for everyone, like

the artists and writers of the past have all found out'

As we headed south we hoticed quite a few changes in temperature and

atmosphere.In this area, also known as the province.of Andalucia, people tend

to be more communicative and polite towards tourists. Moreover, Pe-oPle 9l1find themselves following the same road as Christopher Columbus did in1492.

First comes Granada, at'to=ther of history's most successful piece of art. The gar-

dens of Alhambra rise frombehind the hills, offering a splendid view, quite sim-

ilar to the one in "1001 Arabian nights". Second on my list of favourite places

comes the city of Tarifa, in the extreme south of Spain..Situated next to the

Gibraltar Strait, the area reunites both Spanish and North-African influences,

mainly because of the Moroccan shore only a few kilometres away.

Tuining north, Castilla-la Mancha welcomes its viewers with large hills cov-

ered in riind-mills, one of the biggest enelgy resources in this area' Going

through Toledo, the religious centre -of

the country, we finally reached the capi-

tal, M;drid. It is famouifor its old neighbourhoods and the perfect blue of the

sky. It hosts speakers of all languag!9, so you Tugt not be afraid of not being

understood h6re, even if you speak Chinese or Turkish'

Once we got out of itsiively air, we turned our eyes_towards what historians

call "the 8s ionder of the *oild", the Escorial Palace,30 km from Madrid' Built

by phillip II, the palace also includes large inner courts, _calle d 11 !onj\, while the

east and'south wing offer a great panorimic view over Madrid. With over l'600

paintings, it keeps i"ts simpliiity and makes you want to stay forever and never

fly back home again.

(Conclusion)All in all. it was one great trip I won't forget in the near future. Be sure there

is a person out there wf,o is *itting to shar-e with you-his own experience of

spain. And it sure is a place where you want to be 365 days per year.

Example 7.

Describe a character of a book you've recently read or a movie you've seen:

'Jean Valjean (Les Miserables by Victor Hugo)''-

Essayby Ioana Nicolae, 12tt' grade intensive English class

(Introduction)One of the most remarkable characters ever to leave a writer's Pen/- an

impressive person of great moral virtue ull u personality which has marked

geierations'of readers-and other writers alike and will continue to do s9 {9_. u

iong time still to come, is Jean Valjean, the main character of Victo-r !18o's "Les

Miserables". From the point of view of both an accurate portrayal of the French


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out that Valjean does not participate in the battle, but instead helps those whohave fallen, culminating in his rescue of Marius. Valjean does not have the arro-gance to participate in a fight, which would involve the imposition of his willupon others. In the end, unknown and soon forgotten, stepping for a briefmoment into the light, and then quickly withdrawing back into the shadowsfrom where he came,like a Specter of divine forces, he is the sole hero of the bat-tle at the barricades, controversial, yet sublime, disputed at first, but indebted inthe end, one that is beyond being mere human, but still who thinks, feels andsuffers just like a mere human.

The tragedy is that Valjean does not appear to recognize the merit of hisown actions, or at least that they do not compensate for what he "nearly"became. He is driven by the guilt he felt on stealing from the Bishop and thechimney sweep. He is ashamed not so much of the 19 years he spent in prison,but rather that on his release he was willing to prey upon those who wereweaker than him in order to survive. He works endlessly to compensate forhis "misdeeds" and shows himself little of the sympathy and understandinghe is willing to bestow on others. While he recognizes that the structure ofsociety was partly responsible, he has learned the importance of humility andaccepting responsibility for one's actions, learning from it, and then settingabout rectifying the situation.

At the end of his life Valjean tells Cosette and Marius that the only thing thatreally matters is love. It is tragic, then, that Valjean appears to have found loveand forgiveness in his heart for nearly everyone except himself.

More than a tragic romantic hero, ]ean Valjean stands throughout the bookas a symbol - a symbol of salvation, of one's ability to liberate one's soulthrough the sheer power of one's will and of the innei strength that is in eachman to choose the path that he will walk and overcome all hardship that he isfaced with, so that in the end, he can look back on his life and know that he hasmade the best of himself that he could.

(Conclusion)In conclusion, I can affirm that ]ean Valjean was the voice and means of what

Victor Hugo once stated: "I condemn slavery, I banish poverty, I teach igno-rance/ I treat disease, I lighten the night, and I hate hatred. That is what I am,and that is why I have written Les Miserables. "

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3 . Argurnentatio e Ess aY

This type of essay are also called 'for and against' essays as you are to discussthe advaniages and disadvantages of a specific topic. They should be written in for-mal style, therefore you should avoid using strong language (I know, I am sure),colloquial or idiomatic expressions,


Introduction:. paragraph 1.- you present the topic, making a general remark about it without

giving your opinion about it.Body:. pa-ragraph 2 &3 - the number of paragraphs in the body depends on the word

limlt and on how many arguments for/against you may find to bring; each argu-ment or counter argument has to be supported by examples or justifications.

Conclusion:. paragraph 4 - includes your opinion or a balanced summary of the topic.

LINK WORDS. to generalise: people say that, it is common lcnowledge thnt, it is a fact that, it is con-

sidered that. to list points:y'rsf ly, to begin with, secondly, last but not least. to ad more points: what is more, moreoTJer, in addition to that, besides, furthermorer to show cause / effect: As, becat$e, since, therefore, thus, subsequently. to give examples:/or example, for instance, such as like, especiallyo to show contrast: hozaeaer, but, although, on the other hand, in contradiction to. to conclude: to sum up, to conclude, all in all, aII things considered


Example 1.

Give arguments for and against the statement: 'Fame - A Blessing or aCurse?'

Adapted after Virginia Evens & ]enny Dooly

(Introduction)At some point in their lives most people have daydreamed about the joy of

being famous. One must wonder, however, if being famous is an achievemento, uirrrre - as Fred Allan said, 'A celebrity is somebne who works hard all hislife to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognised '.

(Body)On one hand fame tends to go hand in hand with being rich, and despite the

clich6 that money cannot buy happiness, famous people can, at least be miser-able in comfort.

Moreover, fame also brings adoration, meaning that famous people will

always be surrounded by people who want to be with and be seen with them.


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This means that they are welcomed wherever they go, surrounded by the bestthings in life and protected from the bad.

However, there are drawbacks to being famous, the most obvious being acomplete lack of privacy. Nowadays, celebrities are followed ever5rwhere theygo by photographers, paparazzi, and their lives are scrutinised in detail bynewspapers and magazines. Furthermore, a famous person can never be surewhether people like him/her for the persons they are rather than their fame.Consequently, this can lead to a sense bf isolation.-

(Conclusion)All Jhings qonsidered. as appealing as fame, wealth and adoration may

seem, the cost that one has to pay is too great and also involves the people theylove.

Example 2.

Give arguments for and against the statement: 'Work can be fun'.'Work and Entertainment'Essay by Alexandra loan, 12th F intensive English class

(Introduction)Work and entertainment have always been the two combined aspects of

one's activity,yetthe 21,"t century man is being forced to choose between the twotime and time again. While some individuals prefer relaxing and derive pleas-ure from simply taking a long walk, others might choose threading on the pres-sure the job brings.

(Body)To begin with. work generates a sense of achievement and fulfilment which

motivates one to keep on developing, both on a personal level and on aprofessional one. This eagerness to become more accurate in the field leads toan immense satisfaction when succeeding. For instance. Bill Gates is one of thefew businessmen who have managed to remain on the market permanently. Notonly is windows the most widely used system of operation, but it is alsoimproved regularly introducing revolutionary technology.

secondly. one's employment involves a great deal of imagination most ofthe times, if not for the job itself, at least for tackling problems that might occur.Unexpected situations occur all the time and these are what keep employees onthe edge. A good example of innovation might be Madonna, an artist whokeeps,reinventing herself in the most unpredictable ways. This is what makesher go on and what makes fans ask for more.

However, from a psychological standpoint, people also need some time-offin order to avoid exhaustion. As much as they enjoy their professional ventures,everything has a limit. This was the case of Celine Dion, another well-knownsinger who decided to have a two-year break from show business so that shecould rejoice among her family and friends whom she has missed over theyears.

Furthermore, one cannot objectively compare the amount of energy andinvolvement invested in the profession to the time spent in off-workenvironments. As rewarding as the job might be, one must not overlook the fact


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that it is equally stressful, whereas free time activities are not. For example,Macaulay Culkin is much more in the public eye at the moment due to hiseccentric lifestyle rather than to his on-screen performances and he seems topersevere in indulging himself.

(Conclusion)All in all, job-related activities cannot make up or replace the free time one

justifiably needs and vice-versa. Although fun and work may appear as servingtwo different purposes, the known fact is that one cannot separate them entirely,nor can one simply disregard one of them. Each individual has the possibilitythough to establish his or her own limits and decide where the work ends andwhere the fun begins.

Example 3.

Give arguments for and against Romania's joining the NATO group.'Romania-NATO Relationship'Essay by Alina Cirstescu, l"1th F intensive English class, member of the

Romanian team in NAIO competition 2006(Introduction)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) embodies the transatlanticlink that binds Europe and North America in a unique defence and securityalliance. NATO's essential and enduring purpose, set out in the WashingtonTieaty, is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by politicaland military means. To this end, NATO has provided for the collective defenceof its members since its foundation in 7949.1t has also acted as an essentialforum for consultation on security issues of interest to its members, and as anessential pillar of peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.


Romania joined the Alliance on March 29,2004, following the decision takenduring the Prague Summit, in November 2002. For Romania, this hasrepresented a major step forward, with decisive influence on the foreign anddomestic policy of the counky. Euro-Atlantic integration has represented anobjective of the Romanian foreign policy, which has been pursued steadily by allthe governments succeeding as of 1990. In order to become a NATO memberstate-, Romania joined the Pirtnership for Peace (a programme aimed at Euro-Atlantic co-operation on security matters, with a major role in the processof including new members of NATO), drafted its own national annual Plan forpreparation of accession (PNA) and cooperated with other candidate states foraccession.

An outstanding element of the integration was the series of acceleratedreforms that Romania has undergone in the following aspects:

Firstly. the political and economic aspects: Romania continued the fight againstcorruption, ensuring the sufficient administrative capacity to sustain reforms.The pbfiUcal aspect focused on taking measures to solve community issues andalso on ensuring that public opinion is sufficiently well informed andsupportive of NATO membership and the Objectives of the Alliance;


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Secondly, the military and defense issuesz Romania has undergone militaryreform and restructuring, improving the interoperability of the Romanian forcesparticipating in NATO or coalition-led operations.

Furthermore, resourcesi Romania ensured a constant percentage (2. 38%) otthe GDP for defence until 2007 and is also committed to and interested incontributing and participating in the NATO Investment Security Program(NSIP)

Moreovel, security of information: Romania focused on making operational aspecialised institution managing NAIO classified information

Last but not least. the legal aspects: Romania adopted by referendum the Lawon revising the Constitution

The successful integration of Romania in NATO was facilitated by aCalendar

for finalization of reforms.Another aspect of the topic is represented by the BENEFITS FOR ROMANIATo begin with. NATO membership represents the guarantee for security and

external stability, which is vital for ensuring the prosperous development of thecountry;

Secondly. it confirms the place of the Romanian state within the westem family;Thirdly. it ensures the Romanian access to the process of reaching major

decision on European and Euro-Atlantic security;Moreover. it gives Romania the opportunity to demonstrate the capacity of

coping with the demands required by the member status and to contribute topromoting the values and the objectives of the Alliance by both participating inthe operations and missions of the Alliance and involving in lfs conceptual initiatiaesand eoolutions;

Furthermore, NAIO membership represents an exercise of democraticvalues;

Last but not least. NATO membership also represents an economic boast asit contributes to the development of the Romanian inJrastructure and to theprogress and advancement in the technological field.

The last aspect that must be mentioned are BENEFITS FOR THE WORLDFirstly. The guarantee for national security also represents the guarantee for

the security of the neighbouring countries and therefore stability in the world;Seco4dly, Romania, due to its geographical position and improved

capabilities plays a major role in establishing stability at the Eastern borders ofEurope contributing to the world's security;

Thirdly. NATO membership represents sharing common values,cooperation and joint future plans;

Moreover. Romanian prosperity, as a NATO member, may contribute to theprosperity of the neighbouring countries;

Furthermore, NATO membership contributes to the spread of democraticvalues.


Tir sum up. I believe that at the beginning of the 21"t century, Romania is partof an Alliance that sustains the fundamental mission of collective defence,permanently improving its capabilities in order to face the new threats of the


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security environment. Being a member of the Alliance represents the guaranteeof security and external stability, in a world where national security is backedby cooperation, common values and active involvement. NATO membershiprepresents a major step forward considering the complex reform process thatRomania has undergone and also an important role on the Euro-Atlanticpolitical scene. Romania, due to its geographical position and improvediapabilities plays a major role in establishing stability at the Eastern borders ofEurope contributing to the world's security.

Example 4.

Comment about the statement: 'If this world is full of beauty - bad, or uglythe man himself will make it so.' (William Saroyan) - give argumentsfor/against.

Essay by Georgia Ciobdnescu ,7/th $

(Introduction)We can comment upon William Saroyan's quotation by observing the

relations between man and nature and among people.

(Body)First of all lhe man has changed nsture in a bad way causing the

disappearance of some species of plants and animals and putting others_ indanger of extinction. Species have become extinct or endangered for a-numberof reasons: the destruition of the habitat (ex.: cutting and clearing of forests,especially in the Tropics), urbanization and subr.rrbanization. Another reason isthe humln actions: the commercial exploitation of animals for food and otherproducts (ex.; the slaughter of great whales for oil and meat, the Africanihinoceros, killed for their horns are in danger of extinction; the great aukbecame extinct in the lgtL century because of over huniing).

Nevertheless, man has also tried to keep the beauty of nature by the namingnational parks and nature reserves. These are areas selected by governments orprivate organizations for special protection against damage or degradation.They are ihosen for their butstanding natural beauty, as areas of scientificinteiest, or as forming part of a country's cultural heritage, and often also toprovide facilities for public recreation. In addition to the original purp.oses ofiandscape conservation and public recreation many parks have been establishedto protect endangered species of animals or plants and to promote scierrtificresearch. Hunting and other disruptive activities are limited or banned andpublic access is oiten strictly controlled or even forbidden. Ex.: Kanha Nationali'ark, northern India, in Amazon the National Park, Brazil, Retezat Park inRomania.

Secondly man transformed the world into a negative way by polluting it.Pollutionis the contamination of air, water, or soil by materials that interfere

with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems.For examole air Pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by

gaseous, liquid, or solid wastes. Each year industrially developed countriesgenerate bi[lions of tons of pollutants. Sources of major air pollutants inciudeindividual actions, such as driving a car, and industrial activities, such as


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manufacturing products or generating electricity. The major effect of air

pollutants are, tlie acid rain (because of it the entire fish populations have been

destroyed in different lakes from Britain in Norway and Sweden) and"greenhouse effect" (which allows solar energy to enter the atmosphere butreduces the reemission of infrared radiation from the earth).

Water Pollution is the contamination of water by substances such as micro-organisms, chemicals, industrial or other wastes, or sewage. Notable effects ofwiter pollution include those involved in human health. Chemical pollutingelements in drinking water or food can cause diseases that sometimes results indeath. Inorganic substances have also a harmful impact on human health andnature. Lakes are especially vulnerable to pollution (when lake water becomesartificially enriched with nutrients, causing abnormal plant growth).

Another cause of pollution is the nuclear energy. The principal issue is not somuch the present danger as the danger to generations far in the future. Manynuclear wistes remain radioactive for thousands of years, beyond the span ofany human institution. (Chernobyl)

Solid wastes also affect human life and nature. They may be classified asfollows: garbage, rubbish, ashes, dead animals, sewage-treatment solids,industrial wastes, mining wastes and agricultural wastes.

Thirdly regarding the relationships between peoples another negative thingexcept pollution would be the conflicts. The most dramatic conflict is the war(arrned- conflict between two or more governments or states). Wars can beunleashed from a various number of reasons: political, religious, civil, etc. When

such conflicts expand to global proportions, they are known as world wars:World War I (1914-1918) and War world lI (7939-7945). Except the people fromthe army, civilians had also suffered. Civilians in the vast war zones became Partof the fighting fronts, and suffered from disease, malnutrition, and often actualstarvation, destruction of their towns and cities, and appalling injuries anddeath.

Furthermore, good things for people made by people are the rewards andprizes granted bylaw for their performance. These are giving people-trust andmake them huppy and more determined to persevere in their work. Ex.: animportant re*Lid is the Nobel prize. Noble prizes are the awards grantedannually to people or institutions for outstanding contributions during thepreviou! year in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine,iiterature,- international peace, and economic sciences. (Alfred Bernhard

Nobel-1901).]V[ore.@, another noble attitude of some people is the philanthropy, spirit

of goodwill towards humanity, usually expressed in activities that promote.huian welfare. In this spirit there has been founded an elaborate network of

almshouses, hospitals, and orphanages for supporting and aiding the infirm,

the poor, and the disadvantaged. Also there have been established different

institutions like International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. In time

of war these are alleviating the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and

prisoners of war and in time of peace they are rendering medical aid and otherirelp to people afflicted by major disasters such as floods, earthquakes,

epidemici, and famines, and performs other public service functions. Another


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institution is the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO).


- All thing! considered. even though at the beginning man did a positive thing

for him by the induskialization he didn't thinl aboit effects that this woulXcause so it ended in alegative way. But now he has realized and is finally takingcare to maintain a balance between human life and nature.

Example 5.

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being A prime Minister.Essay by Ioana Niculescu, 12th grade intenJive Englisi class

(Introduction)Studying politics offers people the chance to understand the mechanism

around and behind the powerful leaders of a country and one day even becomeone of them. But do we-really feel up to it? Is it realiy worth trying to apply fora job such as the Prime Minister?

(Body)Tq begin with. the best advantage of being a Prime Minister is the financial

one. No more unpaid bills or parking tickets. You can afford buying a new carfrom your first salary and even face with major help requests froniall of yourneighbours.

Furthermore, !9i.g the Prime Minister automatically means that you areknown to the public and to major institutions

Therefore, it can deprive ylu o! "sticky" situations, such as waiting fir lineor entering restricted areas. Also, the connections you establish are seitled forlife and come in handy whenever you need to have something done beforesomebody else.

However, the feeling of. being on_ top of everybody else can have negativerepercussions on a person's state of mind. Power attracts even more power,which often leads to^insanity or a society full of chaos and anarchy.The oppositeTgnt happen too. Some might back off and resign, due to lack bf contrbi overthe situation.

(Conclusion)Tb conclude, being a Prime Minister takes a lot of talent and leadership,

combined with confidence in one's own actions, health of mind and bodv andthe will to stay on track no matter what.


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4. Opinion Essays

They are a variant of the argumentative ones in which you can apProach thetopic fiom a personal (not general) angle, being allowed to use from the startexpressions like: I think,I cansider,l strohgly belieae thnt, my opinion is, as for myse,If,

fro* *V point of ttiew etc. Your atguments can incline towards the 'for' or the''againsi''side

as long as they are suPported by examples or justifications. It's apersonal argumentation of a statement.


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Example 1.

- fTpt"l-r your opinion about the staternent: 'Things go wrong because peoplebuild walls instead of bridses'.

Essay by Georgia Ciobinescu. 12th B grade(Introduction)

we can comment upon this ,quotation by observing the diplomaticrelationships between countries and personal relationships b"etween people.

(Body)Firstly, I conside{ that the diplomatic relationships are among presidents of

various countries, between governments, ministers, senatori or differentmembers of parliaments. These are important for all peoples because they areinfluencing their future in different ways from standard of life to a manfreedom.

or jhe.wly that dipiomatic relationships affected peoplelives is Beriin wall. The Berlin Wall was a between and East Germanv.^whichclosed the border between and West Berlin for 28 years. It was built during thepost- period of . The purpose was to stop the drain of labor and econ6micoutput associated with the daily migration of huge numbers of professionalsand skilled workers from East to West Berlin, and the attendant, *hi"h hurt theeconomically and politically.It decreased emigration. By the end of 20tL centuryGermany was reunited and the wall was pulled down.

9eeonaty, another reason I believe people had to suffer from was thedifference made by the leaders who believed that their races, their religions,their ethnic differences are the most important factors. For example in Ariericauntil the l$th 6gnls1y black people were considered inferior 6"curs" of thecolour of their skin.'They were disadvantaged, they had no and they were holdagainst their will. Also they had no individual freedom and they weie exploitedfor their labor. In the end, slaverv in the United States was ab'olished aiter theat a cost of millions of lives. Also another discrimination in the past was madeespecially by the Germans. They thought that |ewish people were inferior tothem because of their race. The Holocaust is the most ho.iifylr,g event whichended with the deliberate murder of millions of ]ewish men, women, andchildren.

. I am slrgngllr coqvincg-dthat, If peopie weren't so selfish, proud and ignorantthey would realize that all these actions have negative effects on themseives andon their habit. Ali this things make people to suifer frorn diseases, malnutrition,and often actual starvation, destruction of their towns and cities, and appallinginjur ies and death.

Thudly, as Joseph F. Newton said "People are lonely because they buildwalls instead of bridges." Eor exatnplg if somlone is demanding, criticaljneedy,ungratefui, boastful, nosy, hurtful, spiteful, stingy, and selfish, Is it any wonderthat he hasn't friends? oftgn people blame pbverty, lack of educaiion, age,illness, and other whims of fate for their lack oi friends. From m)' point of vilwthis is a false charge. Regardless of one's disadvantages and handicaps, th;re are


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always others that are worse off, yet successful. So, it is not peoplecirc*mstances, but their attitude that decides their fate. And it is always withintheir power, rich or poor, young or old to change their attitude. If you are goodand do good than you will feel good. And feeling good is just a way towardshappiness and self-contentment. For exampie volunteering is a wonderful wayto end loneliness. There are a lot of lonely people in hospitals and old age homesthat would be delighted to spend time with someone. Besides offering theopportunity of making new friends and learning new things, volunteeringmakes you feel good about yourself.

(Conclusion)All things considered I can' but agree with the wise saying the English

Mathematician and Physicist Isaac Newton who said that "We build too mantlwalls and not enough bridges."

Example 2 on the same topic.

'Things go wrong because people tend to build walls instead of bridges'.Essay by Cristina Coman, 12tL grade intensive English class

(Introduction)Ever since the world began, people have been living together, sharing both

huppy and sad moments with each other, laying bridges, setting up walls,constructing shelters or houses, establishing family ties and building theirfuture together. Man was created as a social being that can only evolve bycoexisting with the others and basing all his actions on relating to hisneighbours.

(Body)First of all. the key to every success man has ever achieved is

communication. Magnificent and grand things are carried out with talent andteam work. It is the law of nature that made man start building bridges andreach out for help. It is the same common sense that made others hold his handand respond to his calling by offering their help. Moreover, we all know that agood and healthy social life is based on our own connections with the worldoutside and that is why people lay bridges in their surroundings - because theonly way they can reach success is by building their own ways towards it.

Second of all. we can see for ourselves that problems tend to occur when,instead of building bridges, people keep back behind high walls and have thewrong belief that isolation can be the answer to whatever is bothering them. Byhiding of our problems we hide of ourselves, by building walls weautomatically break every single foot bridge that can be built to save us. Thehigher is the wall, the harder it can be climbed and the thicker is its structure theharder it can be pulled down. Besides, we must remember that people are oftenselfish when it comes to critical conditions and, just like an innocent child mayhave an egotistic conduct that can be improved by means of educafiorl, *urltsnative selfishness can be held under control by interacting with other peopleand leaming the value of sharing. You can set up a wall by yourself, whilebuilding a bridge is a bilateral agreement: it implies piecework and also otherperson's assenting,


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]Ioweve.t, we should take into consideration the fact that walking on abridge can be done both ways: if you are too willing to help others and reach fortheir hands, they might just invade your privacy. People build bridges, but theydon't necessarily walk on their owns... Another aspect is that thin or weakbridges can be easily flooded by angry waters, that is why our projects andplans involving the future should be as strong as we can make them, especiallyif there are also other people depending on our help.

(Conclusion)In conclusion. building bridges or walls is a free choice for every single one

of us. As moral individuals, we are supposed to look for a certain social stability,we are supposed to combine our forces and build these bridges in order foestablish a better communication among us. what should we do if we arealready surrounded by walls?... Some of them may be very difficult to be dealtwith; we can't always start laying bridges above them.

"But we do have the

opportunity to build some door ways for these walls...

Example 3.

Thinking of cultural stereotypes. which, in your opinion, would be threestereotypical features attributed to the Romanians? Give reasons.

Essay by Piha Zoia Alexandra, 12tL S(Introduction)

During the time, Romanians have created different images among the othernations. Nowadays, at the path between an ex-communist country toa memberof European Union, Romania has collected both positive and negative opinionsregarding us.

(Body)First of all, it is important to reveal the approach of foreigners on the process

of emigration from Romania to West-European countries or USA. This processcaused by the poverty in our country involved incidents and crimes, especiallytheft. These crimes took place in several countries- like France or Italy- andcertain categories of people stained this way the image of Romanians. In somenewspapers Romanians are even called "thieves".

Moreover. a newspaper from italy had an article in October 2006 whichpresented Romanians like "the most violent and dangerous race, capable ofmrrrdering for a handful of change". Romanians monopolize even the cloningof credit cards, among other crimes. In France were also registered a fewincidents which caused a negative image: Romanians are again called "thieves".But major parts of the thefts were made by gipsy-people from Romania whowere identified with Romanians. Therefore. despite of the fact that Romanianpeople stole too, I consider there shouldn't exist this bad image at such a biglevel. Unfortunately, this stereotypical feature exists.

On the other hand, Romanians are considered intelligentpeople. Romaniansare known for their abilities in informatics and also for their great results atinternational contests in general. Not only at this level is the intelligence of ourpeople known, but also the intelligence of our people known, but also in jobs ofthe ones who emigrated in West and are living and working there, where their


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work is rewarded properly. The ability in informatics is used both in a positiveand negative way. Some of the most known hackers are Romanians. Forexample, in February 2006 some hackers -who were proved to be fromRomania- got into all Apple Macintosh computers from Arizona University, andthis is just one small example. But 2006 is also the 4th year when a team ofRomanian students wins 1't prize at a NASA project-contest.

Moreover, Romanians who emigrate in West of Europe are quicklypromoted in important jobs also for their intelligence and perseverance.Therefore,I can say this is another important feature attributed to Romaniansand mostly a positive one.

Last but not least, Romanians are known for their hospitality. Each year,tourists come in Romania being attracted to the beauties of our country.Although in some hotels, motels and houses there is rough accommodation,tourists are happy about the hospitality and kindness of Romanians. Theyalways said we are friendly and warm people.

(Conclusion)To sum up, in my opinion, there are three major stereotypical features

attributed to Romanians: on one hand, theft - regarding people from the lowerlairs of society, and, on the other hand, intelligence and hospitality. But, itdepends on each of us the way we prove our affiliation or not to this features,which are just stereotypical ones.

Example 4.

Express your opinion on juvenile delinquency.Essay by Adrian Baciu, llth p infsnsive English class


Juvenile delinquency is a massive and growing problem all over the world.A multitude of factors exist thai contribute to the understanding of what leadssomeone to engage in delinquent behaviour. While biological and psychologicalfactors hold their own merit when explaining crime and delinquency, perhapssocial factors can best explain juvenile delinquency.

(Body)To begin with, most adolescent delinquents are extremely dependent upon

their peer groups, primarily because they have no functioning families, effectiveparenting, nurturing, or positive adult role models to rely on. These youngpeople come from all ethnic backgrounds and live in middle- and upper-classneighbourhoods as well as in ghettos. We hear most about black, gipsies, andhomeless people running drugs, stealing, and mugging; but there are also whitegangs, such as neo-Nazis and skin-heads, that for adults may take on thefunctions of survivalist or paramilitary groups, political parties or lobbyingorganizations, while still maintaining their essential character and intent.Unfortunately, police alone cannot solve these problems because crime is nottheir real cause and because police under increasing stress or frustration maycontribute to crime with racism and excessive violence.

Moreover, very little is yet known about biological causes of delinquentbehaviour, such as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). How many young people


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currently in detention camps, being processed through juvenile courts, orserving time for crimes of violence are actually suffering the results of fetalalcohol syndrome? No one knows. But FAS may be one explanationfor the highincidence of seemingly {'senseless" delinquent behaviour in affluentneighbourhoods; for a pregnant woman in a wealthy suburb can be just asaddicted to alcohol as her sister in the slums or working in an office.

Furthermore, running away from home is sometimes considered delinquentbehaviour in children, but "throwing away" children (not permitting them tolive at home while they're still underage) is not considered delinquentbehaviour in parent adults. No reparation to the children is required from theparents and no shelter is provided for them by authorities unless they resort tocommitting crimes in order to support themselves.

Last but not least, media, although thought to have a positive effect on...everything, in this case it somehow encourages it by showing more and moreviolent movies, news related to his subject and so on.

(Conclusion)To sum up,I firmly consider that juvenile delinquency has powerfully taken

its toll upon today's society especially because of the social factors such as lackof effective parenting. Dealing with this kind of felonies it shouldn't be onlypolicemen's problem but ours too.

Example 5.

Express your opinion about the statement: 'Violence in the media increasesviolence in society'.

Essay by Ciurescu Sergiu, 12fl'F intensive English class(Introduction)

The subject of media influencing people has always been a topic for debate.However, no other topic is as controversial as the one trying to establishwhether violence in the media leads to the increase of violence in society. It ismy opinion that media violence does indeed increase violence in society forthree strong reasons.

(Body)First of all, broadcasting real violence has an emphasising effect to violence

in society. People who witness a lot of violence have developed a form of massparanoia, thinking the world is a much more dangerous place than it really is.This statement is backed up by George Gerbner, whose research shows thatpeople exposed to violence become more anxious and fearful. This leads to a lotof people buying weapons for self-defence. These very weapons are the meansthrough which the violence they feared will be increased.

Moreover, people become used to violence. Studies in the I970's showed thatpeople exposed to media vioience were less disturbed when wihressing'realviolence and had less sympathy for victims. Although violence is part of our world,seeing it as common is an undesirable effect. Along with the fear of violence, thisindifference leads to passiveness, which implicitly encourages violence.

fuey.g, the most unwanted effect is rendered by fictional violenceexposed by the media. People often identify themselves with main characters in


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movies, the same characters that use violence as a solution for every problern.Fo'r.instance, a research conducted on the inhabitants of an African village toldthat after children saw a show in which a character joined a gang, students ofthe local school split into two rival gangs which fought each other. Violence isoften presented as a funny way to get what you want, without consequences.What should worry us most is that the most susceptible to this aspect arechildren who sometimes begin watching television before they can walk, andlong befoie they can build aiet of persoial values to filter the.information theyreceive. A relevant example would be the widely known Tom & ]erry seriesand a study that showed4l% of the violence in cartoons'is accompanied byhumour.

(Concldsion)AII thines considered, I believe there can be no doubt that media violence Ieads

to m" itriGilr" of uioience in society. Perhaps a more suitable topic for debate is notwhether this effect exists, but how it can be stopped or at least reduced.


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